Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Challenge of Just Being Me

Just being who God made us to be is a challenge. When we try to live out the script of our lives we are forced to flip that script. Many things confront us and try to oppress our spirit and work against us. But our own inner desire for freedom gets stronger and stronger where we are at the point that we wont be forced into anything that is not of God. Do we allow ourselves to just be? Do we feel in sync with our destiny and circumstances? Are we continuing the quest for freedom, freedom to show us how to be and how to live, and how to stay courageous. I pray and confess that your word watches over me. I pray that I am a disciple of Christ and that I am obedient. I pray that the words in my heart honor, give esteem and value to our relationship which is more precious to me than jewels and gold.Father God you are aware of that which concerns me. You know the thoughts and concerns in my heart before I speak them. I am committed to you. I guard our relationship because you are more than enough. Lord I choose to obey your voice, I choose to love you. I choose to be driven towards this relationship. Why cant we spend Thanksgiving together? In my heart and my mind I will pray on that. Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone.

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