Friday, June 7, 2013


Good Morning Lord. I am thankful for another day. I have to give you the glory and the faith. When I make mistakes, I can not dwell on them, I have to go forward. Correct what I can and move on. If I am rejected, then I am rejected. I will do what I can when I can. I will correct my mistakes and if I cannot, then I will forgive myself and try to not do it again. I will not go backwards. I push forward. As long as I am here on this earth, I will continue to push forward. Mistakes are costly. I wonder if it was worth it for the truth to be told. I know what the truth is and I walk with that knowledge that people will try to trip you up every chance they get. When my guard is down and I let it happen unknowingly, then its my fault.  I take the blame, I made the mistake. I take the consequences.

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