Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Finding Joy in God

Its all in our perspective. How we choose to view the world. We do task that God is calling us to do with a grateful heart and a strong mind. I thank God for his wonderful provisions that he has set up for me. What different motives are present in conflicts that arise in my daily life at home and at work? How do I handle betrayal and disrespect? Am I able to focus on God's message or do I focus on my flesh? God will allow trials to test us and strengthen us. Find joy in knowing that the test is not forever. There is joy in the morning. Every situation has a different outlook if I allow myself to see past what seems impossible. I have to find joy in my situation. I have to remember to put a smile on my face and in my heart. All of them are not bad. My part is to encourage and uplift and educate the best way I know how. So I have to be the one to change. Change by asking God's forgiveness for my actions. Change by knowing I have control over my actions and reactions only. I control no one else, I barely control me. The most important thing to remember for me is to keep trying, keep having faith that if this idea, example, explanation doesn't work, try another until it does work. Don't stop trying. Continue to believe, even if it doesn't look like there is a reason to believe. Know that the Lord Jesus Christ is my savior and that he died for my sins. Even though his disciples made mistakes, deserted him, fell asleep, misunderstood his message, he still loved them and forgave them. God loves me even during my mistakes and will help me through the good times and the bad times. God helps me help others even when I don't feel like being helpful and feel like being a servant. God guides me to remember him and his selfless act. While he struggled, he prayed and gave thanks to God. Never forgetting he was there to do God's task. Its about God's will and purpose, not mine. Find joy in knowing that I am accomplishing something for God today. Have I glorified Him today? Find joy in God and I will find joy in my heart. Mark 14:1-42

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