Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I Take Your Word For It

Father God, I take your Word and speak it out of my mouth. I have faith that I am a capable , intelligent, patient, virtuous woman. I am more precious than jewels. I value myself and my relationships. My heart trust confidently in you and I believe and rely on you to display honest gain.

Lord God I give comfort and encouragement to those that are in my life. I pray for the right words to come out of my mouth. Words that uplift and encourage. I want others to look forward to hearing me speak. I gird myself with strength spiritually, mentally and physically. I understand the importance of keeping myself healthy for my God given task. I understand that all will not like me, nor do I want them to like me, but I know that I have not be petty, gossipy or disrespectful to anyone. I treat others with respect.

Lord I open my hand to those that will take it. I reach out in spirit, body and soul. I do not want to carry or enable. I want to skillfully use love and kindness to instill independence and peace. That almost sounds like an oxymoron. Independence requires struggle to be free and peace infers no struggle. Lord, let us not become idle and discontent. Save us from ourselves.

Lord I reverently worship you. I magnify the Lord in all things. I lift up my hands and my heart to you. I thank you for loving me and simply calling me one of your own. I love you. I willingly allow you to be the authority over me. I submit to you with my own free will. I take your word for it that everything is going to be alright. I give my worries and cares over to you. I made a choice to want to be with you and to follow you. You give me power to do what your Word says for me to do and to be a successful, loving woman in the process. Thank you Lord. Use today to be blessed and to be a blessing to someone.

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