Thursday, December 8, 2011


Thank You God for another day to get it right. I am still here so there is work for me to do. I pray that I am able to make you proud of me today. Everyday I strive to please you. I know God is calling me to do more with my life. As long as I am pursuing the goal that God has laid before me then I know the resistance will come and the obstacles will be placed strategically to trip me up and to try to make me quit. But I am not a quitter. I shift with the resistance. I am beaten but I am not out. I may be knocked down but I know how to get back up again. God is doing a new thing with me and with all new things there is challenge and pressure. How God will make his promise come into fruition is not for me to understand or decide. Life is a growing process. My change is a direct result of God breaking concepts that I have established about myself and others. Changing my thoughts and perceptions will allow me to grow and move towards my greatness. Change is never easy but it is necessary. Walk with the Holy Spirit. We walk towards our goal. We keep our eye on the goal. Remember the plans that God has for us, plans to help and not harm. When it is time to go, it is time to go. We must be ready to leave the nest and fly. We will either perish or succeed but we have to try. Never Give Up. Never stop trying. Trust in the Lord and believe in God's promise for our lives. It is possible, we can do it. It will happen. Believe in God's promise. Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone who needs you today. I love you.

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