Sunday, August 21, 2011

God is Great

I believe that God is all I need.

I have learned that there are lessons in my life that I have to learn in order to please God. I want to know what God wants me to learn. God's way is often times a mystery. I cannot spend my time trying to figure the craziness. I have to have faith that God is guiding me as long as I am diligently seeking him.

I have issues and I clearly wonder why God still wants me. What is wrong with Him to keep coming back to me? Has he not learned that I am fragile, stubborn, inconsistent and constantly seeking forgiveness. I am so imperfect I wonder why anybody would want to deal with the nonsense.

We all have issues. Maybe if I keep messing up, God will just stay away, but I know that God doesn't leave, I'm the one who strays with my doubt, unbelief, sensitivity and indecision. It gets on my nerves so I know its frustrating for Him. I have to remember that I do not have a lot of time to waste. I need a strong leader in my life who will remind me of the truth and keep me focused on the word of God.

When I go to prayer in the morning, I just ask God to guide me to the right passage that is going to help me through the day. Sometimes I dont agree with the passage but I read it anyway. Most of the time its relevant, sometimes its doesnt make sense, but all the time I know there is some message or meaning that I am suppose to get. It may not be the traditional message that goes with the usual interpretation but I try to respect the word at all times. I pray for relevance in my life and meaning beyond the obvious.

I would rather have someone bless me and challenge me spiritually than to just say what they think I want to hear. I don't need a friend that will not be truthful and honest. I need leaders in my life who are willing to lead and recognize that role in my life.

I need to know that I am not alone all of the time in my trials. God is with me. When I have to go through it alone, he is with me in spirit and in truth. Deep roots. When I need someone to be there to go through it God sends someone to be there. God knows my needs very well and will supply all of my needs.

I will trust in the Lord for my daily needs. Even though I am going through trials, I will trust you Lord. I am not complaining, treating anyone bad just because I am going through a trial, not being bitter and mean, telling everyone my problems, stressing my self out because of my troubles, trying to make my problems everyone else's problems. This is just a trial and I pray that I pass. What will be will be. I do my part and let the Lord do his part. No one promised me a rose garden. Man will have troubles.

Thank You God for all that you do for me and for all that you plan to do for me. I take nothing for granted. Every thing is a blessing. I earn and deserve nothing. I am a survivor because of God. It is a gift from God. I thank you for every blessing that I am receiving, have received and will receive. I thank you for your gifts of love, courage and strength.

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