Friday, October 3, 2008

This is Disturbing

I wanted to give you this information last night but I didn't see you. I guess you were watching the debate.

I pray that I will be renewed with new found knowledge. Knowing that everything is going to be alright. Staying faithful and resourceful. Keep the faith. Believe in God and know that all things are in his hands.

Anyway, this was something my daughter told me about when she returned form visiting her friend at the campus of NYU in New York. She had to go to New York to find this out. Anyway on if you go to that website and do a search for Jay Stones you will get a few different viedos. Pick the one that has Response to...trick trick.

On this video are boys who are on the southside in someone's backyard, during the daytime firing off a gun, showing the gun and just acting like fool. She also told me that Austin's daddy was in in the video and sure enough, he is sticking his head in the video. Now what is it that you can do about this? I DON'T KNOW, MAYBE,  Probably nothing, but it was something that I wanted you to know about because these boys are in that neighborhood. Knowledge is power and I didnt want to be indifferent to this knowledge. My daughter said some of them have been to the ARK and that they also helped out with the Divine Restoration Project. Maybe you even recognize some of them. I just think this is disturbing. I think I copied and pasted the link here, so try this first, but you can find it at the site also.


We are trying to rid the community of guns and reduce the violence and these boys, men really, they are all over 21, are out doing stupid stuff. To top it off they decided to put it on YOUTUBE!!! How disgusting. I believe that this father, this young man will either be behind bars or six feet under.  I think I want you to know. I dont want to say that I think its ok knowing and not telling someone else or trying to inform the community. Keeping Informed about whats going on out there.

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