Saturday, October 23, 2004

Good Afternoon, My Love


Today I get play Cinderella. I am going over my Dad's and help him with his building. Clean, clean, clean. One of the tenents is moving. I did complete the CPS application finally.

I have taken Anna to work this morning. I didnt get a chance to work in the yard yet due to the rain. Maybe tomorrow. I am back to teaching ACT on Sundays. A new clas started last week. I will be doing this for eight weeks. I think Dec 5th weekend is the last day or the test dat for the students.

Well this has been a much better week in general for me. No class on Thurs eve so I was able to come home straight from school. Friday, we had the field trip to see Dance Africa and then it was home after school, so that was good. Then today, Sylvan didnt need me this morning so I didnt have to go in, which was a blessing. Now when I go over to Dad's I will be able to work dilligently and accomplish something.

I got my court date in the mail for the ticket I received. Its of course the same date as my last day of student teaching. I will have to leave early that Friday.

Oh well, on to bigger and better things. Have a wonderful day and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow,


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