Monday, August 16, 2004



Invitation Card

Thoughts to ponder,

this is where you are leading me Lord, I have seen it and I accept it. I look forward to it. The thought refreshes me. It entices me. I know that you are guiding our steps. You will keep this union fruitful. Why do you need me? I never thought of myself as one of your beloved and chosen. Am I  a favorite? Lord you told me once I was beautiful when I didn't think I was. You have taken me from stinkin' thinkin' to a more positive attitude about myself and the world. You rescued me from destruction. Then you rewarded me with love. A chosen love that you have annoited.

The Wedding, when...,how....., where?? Just wondering, pondering, knowing that this is the the road I am on. This is not the end, but the beginning. Strengthen me lord not to run away when he asks.

The bride and groom. I like the sound of that. Husband and wife. Lord why did you make my spiritual leader also my love interest? I know pastor's have wives but I never expected to be one. How do you do the delicate balance? Once I was able to wrap my mind around that fact the rest was easy.

I may need a name tag on Friday. He might not recognize me again. Maybe a big hat. No silly, he's never seen you in a big hat so why would he think to look for you in one now? Just be cool, when you see him go up to him and say hello. Thats it. Hello. Howdy. Whats up? Hi. Hellloo. Silly, Silly.

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