Thursday, August 8, 2013


Romans 5:1-2

Faith Triumphs in Trouble

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have[a] peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
Good Morning Lord. Thank you for today. I am grateful for another chance to get it right for you. Trusting you is so much better than thriving for a deeper understanding. Understanding is so overrated. Lord when we seek our understanding we are not at Peace with you. Humans are always trying to figure things out so we can master a situation in our lives. But we are presented with problems daily. There is not a day that goes by where we are not confronted with a new challenge. Soon as we have a handle on that, something new happens to challenge our short-lived relief. We spend our days searching for understanding. Let's spend our days seeking out our Lord. The more we know, the more we want to know. We have a voracious appetite for knowledge but our searching does not bring peace, only more questions. Seek God's Peace. Deep calls unto Deep. Seek the Lord first. So Lord, today I will seek your peace. I will go to this interview trusting in you. I will pray for both interviews to be successful and fruitful so that I can choose. Your guidance is what I seek. Today, and Monday. I want the one on Monday but I am not going to disregard the one today. Let's help me to trust in your understanding. Your ways are not my ways. I pray for the one best suited for me. Loving you and not knowing what the future will bring is interesting. Believing in the present, different. Believing in Love, not too difficult. Whatever happens, I believe in love. I love you and have a blessed and peaceful day.

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