Monday, June 8, 2009

I Never Take You for Granted

I pray that you don't think I take you for granted. I am always happy, elated and excited when I know I am going to be around you. I know you don't like a lot of praise but you deserve it.

Organizing the groups together for the peace rally was just ingenious. You have to talk to the ones who can take it to the children who are committing these crimes.

Unity service continues to grow with diversity and power. There are more people coming to the services, or at least the seats seem to be filled.

The church looks really nice on video. I really like the video.

I feel bad when I read what I wrote about that woman. I sound so selfish and self centered. Am I really that bad? My excuse is you really don't know what it is like to be in this situation. I really am nice to her, to a certain extent. Now I'm back pedaling. Well I know what the situation is and after Friday I have an eight week break from her. I think the stress of the National Board is still on me. I have the final test on Monday and I am so ready to get it over with. I will not try to retest.

I look forward to this break. I need it. Even though I will do summer school, its not the same. It will be third graders and its Mon-Thurs, 8:30 - 12:30. No Fridays. I want to get new flooring for the house. I will try to do something every year. One thing.

What would you like for me to write about. I always seem to talk about myself. That must be boring. It sounds so self centered. I pray for a change this year. I want what God wants me to have. I pray that I am more receptive to God's will. Less of me and more of Him.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone. I love you.

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