Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I Take Nothing For Granted

One of my eighth grade students is missing. She cut school yesterday and has not returned home. We suspect she is embarrassed to face her papa. She is Hispanic and the family is very close. She's usually a very good girl. She might be pregnant. She's obviously with someone who is probably older and doesn't go to school either.Where ever she is its someplace that the other person is able to move about freely. I pray that that's the scenario, or something like that. I don't want it to be worse. It seems that every yea I have students pregnant, in jail, dropping out in eighth grade, all of those things that find inappropriate for these young people. What do you think? How was your day? I pray the pain is reduced and almost over. Now you have to find out what kind they are and what you are eating to cause them. This can be conquered. Its not over.

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