Sunday, December 14, 2008


How are you? I miss not talking to you. I want to know what you think is my problem. What do you want me to do. I know you have an idea. Say it. Today was a busy day. I had breakfast with Santa. Got a glimpse of you this morning. Then I went to watch my middle school boys play in a basketball tournament. They lost but it was a good game. Then I went home and did a little shopping. Got ready and went back to the same place I was in that morning. Got to see and speak to you then. Then nothing. You did walk/run by me later in the evening. Should I have grabbed your hand. Followed you out. Found a reason or even no reason, just to close to you. Yes, I should have. Yes, I should follow you around. I should stay close to you. I should at least spend five good minutes with you. Quality time not quantity. Long lingering time.

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