Monday, June 2, 2008

Action and Thoughts


Thoughts and actions go together. We think about something and then we are either persuaded to act upon it or we discard the thought for a new one. Thoughts create the words we speak, the feelings we feel and the actions we take. Do our innermost thoughts reflect what we really want? Are we saying one thing and doing another. Start saying what we want and change our actions to reflect just that.

When you want to attract something in your life make sure your actions don't do the exact opposite. Believe that you have received what you have asked for. God knows the power that we have. Jesus could pray and he would receive. He never had a problem believing that he received what he prayed for. Faith in prayers. See yourself doing just what it is that you want to do. The power in our thoughts, and feelings and our actions. We can and do influence many people. We have to enjoy our own company before we can expect others to enjoy our company.  Do you treat yourself the way you want others to treat you? Do you love yourself? Your actions are your most powerful thoughts. Treat yourself with love and respect and love and respect will come to you. Love and respect yourself and you will receive love and respect. It sounds so simple. Only think about how you can love and respect yourself and you will find more love and respect in your life. On that note I will leave you to your thoughts. I hope you are feeling better. Be blessed tonight and be a blessing to someone.

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