Sunday, July 26, 2015

God Will Deal With The Crazy

It is going to be all right. Jesus set me free. You have to trust real love for yourself. No one can tell you who to love and when it's real. You are amazing and worthy of love. Mature or immature, love knows no boundaries. God believes a true heart. You are amazing and there is only one of us in this world as with God, all good things are possible. I will trust God to guide my decisions. I have to believe in a stronger power because if this is it then I am in real trouble. God's Power is my strength, daily, when I think of all that God has done for me, I'm in awe. God has kept me through the hard times and will continue to keep me. I trust that God is looking out for me, God you are amazing. I worship you me to dream about the yet to come. Holy Spirit stir my soul so that you are amazing everyday of my life. Bless our gifts and know tha we accept you as a living sacrifice. We sacrifice our life to you Lord. We will not be intimidated by what the world throws at us but as mature Christians we will get up and know that God will keep us and stop us from falling.

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