Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thank You Lord

Thank You Lord. We are all going through stuff that just seems to overtake us some days. We pretend that we can make it and that it doesn't affect us but when we let it ourselves feel the pressure and pain of what is going on we are overwhelmed. We are constantly and totally overcome with pain and fear. Our life is a mess. We have to overtake that fear and remind ourselves that the devil is a liar and a cheat. He comes to steal, kill and to destroy. We are a winner and we can overcome whatever is coming against us. We are able to overcome. We have to believe that God is there for us. God loves us and wants us to know that we are able to conquer what ever the devil puts before us. 

Today's Praise and Worship
God never gave up on me. Lord I thank you for another chance. You didn't give up on me and I didn't give up on you. Thank you Lord.  You still believe in me and I still believe in you.
I ask is there a question to say yes to. My answer is always yes, yes, yes.

May you be blessed tonight and I pray that you are a blessing to someone. I love you and I pray for you daily. I refuse to give up on you. I stay encouraged.

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