Sunday, May 20, 2012

My Heart Mourns For Your Loss

Today was a trying day. Our family was wounded. Each and every member was affected. Our leader is hurting. My Love is hurting. I know you know the scriptures to say and the words that will reunite your heart and mind, but right now, it hurts.
Yesterday you received some of the worse news in the world for a parent to hear. One of their children is no longer here on earth.

How devastating that must be for you. I know you have had many people to give you solace and condolences. I Know that each and every one of them are truly sincere in their heart of  hearts that they love you and mourn with you.

I wish I could wrap my arms around you and just hold you for a very, very, long time. I wish things were different between us. I know that nothing is promised and that life is too short. We never know when our last day is upon us.

All I know is that what I can do right now to comfort you is to write some words on a blog that you may have a chance to read and find some comfort in. I am sure you are busy and exhausted. Just Having to think about planning and notifying and just moving forward one more day can take its toll on anybody.

What words do I say to comfort you. How do I let you know that I am with you. I pray for refreshment and insight regarding the struggles that you face. I include the struggles that we face. The graduates are facing some serious struggles. Their testimonies were revealing and true. I see it every day. Our community is under attack from the inside out. But as always we know their is someone who is to be praised and acknowledged as the King of Kings and Lord of Lord. All Things are Possible With God!!!

...Praise Be to the Name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons;
Daniel 2:20

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