Sunday, April 8, 2012


What a wonderful sermon, but....I refuse to let those low life trashy people continue to occupy your mind with their threats of harm to you. Humans are violent people. God knows we need only to look at what they did to Jesus to know how extremely violent people can be. Look at the news. Right now I am listening to a violent shooting on the southwest side of a child. Another child shot and killed. I know it's on your mind. You might even think that it's just a matter of time but know that the prayers of your congregation and people all around the world are in support of you and God is not finished with you yet. You have a long life ahead of you and you can't keep talking about death, identify the threats, make them public, don't ignore, but don't fixate on it. King spoke of the mountain top, Malcolm X knew people would come after him, Lincoln and Kennedy both talked about dying. What good does it do? Then it just puts unnecessary thoughts into people's sick minds. Crazy is crazy. You don't change crazy, you change the people around them who chose to follow or not follow crazy. I hear your heart and it sounds heavy. Heavy with worry, even though you have proclaimed indifference. I know you have a lot of concerns and you keep a lot of those concerns on your heart but I can tell, you have concerns. I try not to be a bother by being in the background but I think God wants me to be a diversion or something in your life. I know you have enough women around you to keep you busy so I know you are getting a lot of attention. You need attention. You need to be spoiled. Everyday, loving you is a joy. You are human, dreams are made from love. we are not perfect and we all are here by the grace of God and God alone. Believe it, live it. I love you. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone. Good Night.

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