Monday, January 17, 2011

Oprah's Show is Soooooo Good Today!

I have been waiting for her to do something else on race. You have to have the white person be able to say they are sorry for believing the way that they did and committing horrible crimes against black people was wrong and that they are truly asking for forgiveness.
 It allows both of them to begin again on a level emotional playing field, but not an economic. He is still earning, inherited, privileged, to so much more than she is.

Until we also begin to do something about the mismanagement of billions and trillions then we are still not winning the race on racism/classism/sexism. Until the mismanagement and just plain theft of the Barnes Foundation Collection of art to that black university. The Philadelphia Art Museum stole/toke/outsmarted/ a small black college by buying them a 67 million dollar student union building and they sold the art collection not knowing the war that Barnes had with the art museum. The post impressionist paintings were worth much more. They did not know it or had no power to change it without a white voice to educate them. They made a movie about it thats how I know about it. Until we are able to be treated equally and have it done civilly and with love, then it will continue to never change.

Love is STRONG

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