Saturday, January 1, 2011

Beyonce Video For the New Year -

All the single ladies take heed. We are worth more than what we are getting in our relationships.

Its so good to know that Reverend Wright did not let retirement cloud his perception of what women want. Thank God for a man that searches for the good in life and recognizes people's suffering and need for education, edification and a meaning and respect from individuals in life. 

I have been doing a geneology search into my past and I have found out that I have made some mistakes about where I think I am from and I have had some things cleared up. My dad allowed me to pick his brain for about three hours and I have firmed up my grand parents and my great great grandparents and my great great great grandparents are about to be uncovered as soon as I am ready to spend the money. It cost about a thousand dollars to find my family lineage coast to coast.

I know for a fact though that my father was a farmers son in Mississippi in the deep south during the 1930's. Racism was high and it was rearing its ugly head to blacks, especially blacks from Mississippi.

I also think I have found one of my grandmother's sister's illigimate children from constant and repeated rapes of black women during that time of 1888 when she was born. Women had little voice during the 1900's. The turn of the century brought little promise and a unwanted pregnancy to a single young woman. Who was going to be her protector? How she must have wrestled with that decision to give him up. But one thing she did do was name him after her, Eliza became Elizah or Elijah or how ever the person writing the information during that time felt like doing it. 

June 17th 2011 is the last day of school for me. I will either leave for a long six week vacation to some remote place where I can recoup and get to know myself again. Or I will be married to a really nice guy. The good news is God is good. Both of you are a winner to me. I love the unique qualities that you each bring to our unique and cherished relationship. But at this point in my life I am in need of some major changes and I will not neglect myself for someone else's pleasure or pain. Men always want you to be on their schedule. This is a race to the end. Whoever I end up with, it is forever. It is for life, I hope and I pray.

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