Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Lord, when does a difference really make a difference? My bio will generate conversation. Lord, I am the 2nd to oldest teacher. Me, pre school, and the boss. We are the women over fifty. We bring a different experience. Prepare for the future. Trust God to do right by me. Lord I am tired of being taken advantage of. The race to represent our country and to represent me is being done by two men who are full of similarities and differences. My thoughts on the matter really don't matter. Its unfurtunate that the only message one group has told us is : We are successful, don't hate us because we are successful, we are strong, we are rich, we believe in survival of the fittest. We know what's right, everybody else is wrong. Yet the other team, the one I will vote for has reduced themselves to reacting and never initiating. Only responding to vague threats, thoughts and sayings of a totally disillusioned, yet able to fool a lot of people with their rhetoric. Demand The tax returns. Embarrass him on how rich he really is and how much of his income he actually pays for taxes. That alone ought to show people he does not believe in the whole trickle down effect. That is how they plan on saving the country. How much has trickled down from his own personal income. Very little real money I suspect. We must think in billions not millions. My Love, we have so much to do.

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