Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Nothing To Lose

Have you ever been afraid to give yourself totally to the Lord?

Have you ever been afraid to give yourself totally to a Godly cause?

Have you ever been afraid to give yourself to a Godly relationship?

If God be for us then who can be against us?

What do you have to lose if you give yourself over to God?

What does it take of yourself to give more, to care about the other person's feelings, to know that they are hurting and you can possibly help. You don't have to fix everything and everybody but you can help comfort and guide. Don't have a hard heart. Don't live in the past. Prior hurts have no home here. This is a new beginning. A new path. A new life.

We don't look back we move forward. What do we have to lose? What do we miss out on? Some nonsense and foolishness that just sets us back on our journey.

I understand in the abstract, but I have to make it part of, no, I have to make it my life in the concrete. I want to dwell securely, in confident trust, without fear or dread of evil. I allow my ears to be attentive to God's wisdom and my heart and mind to God's understanding. What do I have to lose? Nothing but the devil. Let it loose. Shake it off. Walk with the Lord in the cool of the day. Spend time with God, what will it truly cost you?

God bless you today and always.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone. I love you.

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