Monday, March 21, 2016

Why Lord

How do we deal with rejection? Why Lord must we go through so much? Things seem to go well then something happens. We seem to move together and the something happens. What is this something and how did it come between us? Life has many things to be concerned with but the promise of a new beginning is always available. We can turn it around. We have the ability to do great things. The Spirit of the Lord is with us. Today is a new day. Today begins another journey. I want to be nearer and involved but it never seems to happen. If it is all me then why one thing felt but another thing done. Is this the way it's suppose to be? Have I lost the ability to change anything? Have we just waited too long and there is nothing left to do? If I'm still here then I think God has more for me. God has authority. God is the beginning, middle and the end. I don't like the quiet. What would I like to have achieved ten years from now? Wow, that seems so far away, but when I look back ten years, I realize that seems far away too. The present is where we plan.

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