Friday, February 25, 2011

Thank You

I was pleasantly surprised with his talk tonight. He talked about things close to my heart.

I was a mass communications major in Idaho.

I am a teacher and agree that education is no longer a commodity that is valued by my students.

I find the things that they do value to be trivial and insignificant. I continue to ask myself why this will get their attention and not something else. Teachers are expected to be the wizards of information and originality for all students. How unrealistic is that. We alone are to be everything for them. How fair is that. But he handled himself well and gave homage to his ancestry. He was respectful, honest and humble. All good qualities that helped balance the human frailties that we all have.

I am glad he reached out to other blacks, I just wish there was more of that going on. The ones who have money can pool their resources to make more of the things happen that need to happen. We hear a lot of the lone success stories, but few of the collaborations.

Well, time to watch a movie. Good Night. Sleep Tight. Be Blessed, and be a blessing to someone..

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