Sunday, August 9, 2009

Stay Focused

You are getting so much more positive exposure. I think the town hall meeting will be very good for the cause. I found in my classroom an article that was written in 1998 in Newsweek or US News and World Report, (I still have it at school) where it is about the Pastors waging a war with guns. Moss was also in the article. I had not looked at the article when I initially found the magazine three years ago. I had always planned on copying it and passing it out to my students one day for a discussion topic. I found the magazine again and this time I opened it up and there you were. I think I will do that this week to find out their thoughts on what's going on with their peers. Help us stop the violence against each other.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I cant help but wonder what you think? What You are doing> How are you occupying your time? I know you my not writing is my rejecting you and its not. I know you are mad and distant. How can you not be? This is a crazy situation as it is so any change just makes it more crazy. How do we continue to put our faith in something that didn't work the first time and God says, do it again. Try again. Keep going and keep believing. Lord, I don't want to hurt anybody. I don't want to cause sadness for anybody. I want to be authentic and reliable. I want to be sincere and true. I value the possibility of us.

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