Thursday, January 11, 2007

Good NIght

Thank you Lord for another day. I am so happy tomorrow is Friday. My week has bee very challenging. What's a girl to do when the native are restless. How do you get to tell your honey that all is well and that you do love him. You get home and you're so tired. The morning comes too soon. I knew I had to write tonight or else. I hope that the week was good for you. I pray that we can purchase that building out right.I know that the faith community wants to do something special for you. Something to show gratitude for your continued service, dedication and dicipleship to the community. What a wonderful man you  are. Always striving to uplift the community, to continue to challenge us and to help us grow. I'm going to go to bed now. My nose is stuffy and I am tired. Be blessed tonihgt and be a blessing to someone special.

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