Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Good MOrning

Good OMrning Lord. Thank youfor waking me up this morning. I am still here so there is still something I have to do. If the thoughts of our mind could be heard by everyone we would have more hypricosy than integrity. Lord I want to match my thoughts with my actions. I want to be a person of integrity.  It is important to me that my word is my bond. Forgive me for my mistakes. I understand that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. We want to do the right thing and we some how continue to do the wrong thing. Are my wrong things murder, adultry, robbery, no, or at least not in my eyes. I say I am going to do something and I dont do it. I need to keep my word. Keep my journal going every day and understand that the effort and time are important. God knows my heart and my intentions. There is no hidden agenda here. The rewards are internal, for me only. My wish is to build a better relationship and to be a better couple.

I have to get ready now. Fix breakfast, shower and leave by 7:30. I pray they have fixed the shades in my room. The children pulled the chain and now two shades are down permanently. Really three.The other one just stopped halfway down so I havent bothered them about that. Have a blessed day today and be a blessing to someone special.

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