Monday, June 5, 2006

Good MOrning

Good Morning Lord. I am thankful that I have another day to worship you. Thank you for waking me up this morning. You are an awesome God and I will worship you in Spirit and in Truth. Father God you have sent the Holy Spirit to help us. To give us the power to witness in you name and to help renew our life. When we are witnessing for you Lord our manner changes. We are new creatures in your will and your way. We exalt your Holy Name, Lord Almighty. Through Jesus, we are able to become new. I will witness this week every chance I get.

Good Morning Sweetheart. I am praying that you have a good day. I hope that I havent said anything upsetting. My goal is not to draw division but to have unity. I just believe you have asked for something she can't deliver on right now. I believe you have a wonderful vision for the church and the role to that vision will require someone with the expertise to bring it into fruition. That's why I say you will have to hire someone with that expertise. God has blessed you with wonderful foresight and good people around you to advise you and direct you  to accomplish your goals. I am not a web designer nor technical person of that nature. I was called up to assist with the writing and I will gladly do that. I do know some things about television production being a communication major but I am in no way offering up my services for any of that.I believe you need someone specific to that area of production. I do know when a person is in over their head and she is in over her head. I believe she has a good heart and the fact that she is doing such a good job updating and working on the redesign of the website that shows a great deal of comfort in that area, but the video seems to be an obstacle for her and she had expressed that she was overwhelmed with the project. My concern only lied in the one meeting that I had and the statements that were made during that meeting that led me to believe that video was a tremendous hurdle that she was not ready to make and the opposition was a very personal thing due to lack of experience. I'm with you no matter what your decision is, your method to get there and whatever the outcome happens to be. I love you and I love Jesus. Everything else will work itself out. Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone.

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