Monday, February 27, 2006


Hi, I'm writing tonight because the modem is working again. I don't know what the problem is. They called repeatedly to say there was an outage in the area today and did I still need the serviceman to come out on Thurs. I said no. I'm just wondering what it will be like in the morning.

I had such a horrible day. We are practicing for the black history program for tomorrow and it is such a headache.

I tried to have an exercise in following directions and they just could not focus to get through the lesson.

Tomorrow is the program. I cant wait until its over. I'll be wearing my one blue ethnic outfit. I know I'll hear stuff from the children. oh well. I just want that day to be over.

Four suspensions today. Three boys and one girl. One crying parent. Oh my goodness.

I hope you are feeling better. Drink plenty of fluids. While you may feel better you may not be one hundred percent. Chicken soup is truly the magic cure for lots of things.

I feel like I should be addressing something else you said yesterday but I'm tired and I just wanted to say something before I went to bed. Good Night. Be blessed and be a wonderful blessing to someone besides me. I'm not torn between two worlds either. Whatever I have to give up I will. What ever sacrafice I have to make I will.

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