Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Good Morning

Thank You Lord for Today.

Thank you for waking me up and thank you for allowing me to have the presence of mind to Thank You for that simple fact. You have watched me through the night and I have taken the good things you have placed in me and tried to guard them with the help of the Spirit and try to be come something that you are not ashamed of.  Father God thank you for protecting me. Lord help me to listen today and hear your voice. I want to do your will and your commands. Lord let your words of truth be my guide. Lord let the gossips just go by the way side and let the truth come out. Lord I don't want to be involved in any arguments today. Let us use the truth to guide us. The truth cuts like a sword.

I pray that you had an uneventful journey home and that you are safe. I hope, I hope, I hope that you are feeling well. I know your week is full and busy. Schedule in some rest time and I hope you are still aggressively persuing treatments, remedies and stuff to make you better. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone today. Have a blessed, loving, and  blessed day. I'm believing God for my miracle today and everyday. God is faithful.

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