Friday, February 24, 2006

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. Thank you for waking me this morning. Thank you for showing you greatness in my life. You have created in me a hunger and thirst for your will. I want to do it your way or not at all. I want to be in the secret place. The place where you know how to keep me safe and protected, yet able to do anything.  To know that I am surrounded by your love. To feel the warmth of you love all around me. To explore the unknown, whit you right by my side. You will nevre leave me nor forsake me.

 You are my special place. My place of challenge and mystery. I have protection and love in my secret place with you. I want you to have a very blessed day today. To be a blessing to someone who may be down and be blessed yourself. Your world is not that bad. Trust in God and together we can make a difference in our world and the whole world. With my most sincerest and deepest heartfelt affection, with love.                                                                        

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