Sunday, January 1, 2006

Happy New Year and Good Morning

Another year ahead of me.Thank you Lord for bringing me into the year 2006. Thank you for your wonderful saving grace and mercy. Thank you for another opportunity to get it right.

I came home last night. The game was over by 8:30, the Bulls lost. We were back at his place by 9:30. It was early, the roads were pretty clear so I decided to go home. It also helped my decision along now that the spare bedroom was being used as a storage room for new doors for all the closets in the building. I left and was home before 10:30. I watched Israel and the New Breed bring in the New Year at Dr. Tims church in Florida.

While driving on 294 I saw two Stern ads. One coming and one giong. Why is he so determined to use the black fist? I thought the fist was a symbol for the United Negro College Fund? Why is he degrading it by using it in his tawdry ads? I can not believe that no one told him how tatseless this was. January being MLK's birthday and February being African American History month. I'm sure he wants the controversy so it will bring attention to his show starting this month. He needs to be crude and tasteless with his own symbols. He has or at least had a black female working for him, I can't imagin that she thought this campaign was ok, but as we all know money is the great equalizer. Ig given enough most people will do anything, including sell out their heritage.

I'm going to see you today. Be blessed and be encouraged.

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