Saturday, January 21, 2006

Good Morning

I want to thank you Lord for waking me up this morning. I just want to love you for all the little things you do for me Lord. The things that I have a tendency to take for granted, thank you for all of those things. Thank you for making a way out of no way. Thank you for doing the things that I know need to be done and the things that I don't know. Thank you Lord for loving me. I give you all the glory, honor and praise.

I teach Saturday school beginning today. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Its not feeling so good right now. Its only half a day so I think I can survive. Also its sixth graders not eighth. They (eighth graders) really made me mad. I want to teach them about the holocaust and compare it to african americans slavery and civil rights movements. First of all most of them say they don't want to know about anybody else but black people. When they are given the opportunity to learn about black people they do a poor job of that too. Its not all, but sometimes you feel like you are banging your head against a brick wall. I have to be encouraged with the ones who want to learn. I want them to be tolerant of others and to care about others. I want them to want to know about their own race but to see that this is a big world that encompasses many different cultures and its full of diversity. When does a difference really make a difference. What do people do when you are different. What do you do when others are different from you. We tried to watch this special I had taped, "Paper Clips" they just couldn't over the fact that the people were southern, so they talked different, most  of the movie was all white people to them, whether they were Jews, Prostetants, or Germans. Then why would any body care. That final question made me really try to show them how each paper clip represented a life. We then looked at the piles of shoes, the piles of suitcases, the piles of toothbrushes/ We haven't and maybe won't really examine too closely the bodies. I want them to just understand the number. We say 6 million or more with lots of ease. What's really 6 million of anything and when talking about people, thats a lot. Well here I am ranting and raving about my class again, but that's my day, that's my life.

Be blessed and be a complete blessing to someone today. I love you.

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