Sunday, January 15, 2006

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning Good Morning. Thanks be to God for another beautiful morning. Eventhough its dark outside I am thankful for this morning anyway. I expect it to be a beautiful day. I give thanks to the Lord for he is good and his mercy endures forever. Thank you Lord for today. Thank You.

"Remember me, O Lord when you show favor to your people, come to my aid when you save them, that I may enjoy the prosperity of your chosen ones, that I may share in the joy of your nation and join your inheritance in giving praise." Psalm 106:4-5

Remember me, O Lord

Remember me, O Lord

Today I look forward to your sermon. We remember a man who helped his people come out of horrible conditions to begin to take part in part of the economic, social and academic conditions that have improved their standard of living. We still have a long ways to go but we have come a long way also. The enemies arent blantant and in your face anymore, just covert operations, when they are noticed its given a fair nod and we just move on to the next thing, while the racism, classism, sexism continues. But I see small steps of change. I see perserverance as the defining hope. We just can't give up the fight at any stage. We are on a continum. We have you to help us never to forget and we must continue to record our successes and move on whether its inch by inch or yards at a time.  We have You. I have you. I'm so blessed. God has shown favor on me. Little ol' me. I'm blessed. I am going to be ready to do my part. I am ready. Whatever I need to do, I'm ready. We read the I Have a Dream Speech in class on Thursday. I told the children that we would go to the very same spot that these people were when they heard MLK give the speach. There were some ohhh and ahhh, some were trying to be funny but I think its so important for them to relate personally to the people and places that have made a difference in their lives, even if they don't know it.  If we don't know where we have been how can we know where we are going.

See you soon. I have got to work on this time thing some more. I love you.


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