Monday, December 5, 2005



Yesterday was a good day. Mack is being very eclectic now. He's pushing his boundaries but not actually breaking them. He's trying to find out who he is. Ricky really has great enthusiam. He's so patient with the children. Randall is a powerful prayer. I hadn't heard him pray since he taught the class. He was very good. The musicians were really enthused. It was a very energetic service.

I was ready to get defensive over my money management skills but then I realized that I had inherited and been taught very poor skills. When I left home I was very good with my money but when I got married, he was very good at organizing the bills but he would spend too much. When I was on my own, I just never seem to have enough to make ends meet. When I was a child my mother used to borrow my brother's coin collection and have us use it as face value bus fare. Sometimes he and I would walk from Corpus Christi to home at 92nd and Bishop just to save his coins. Sometimes we would spend them but we felt bad doing it. Sometimes my mother would make my brother and myself go pay bills at the telephone company or electric. We would have to talk to grown ups who would talk down to us and talk about our mother for sending children to handle adult business. We didn't know any better, we were children. I say now that my mother did the best she knew how under the circumstances. If we saved any money and we wanted to keep it, we didn't tell her about it. Even now she is heavily dependent on my brother and myself. I say she doesn't know any better, she was an orphan,  but sometimes we fight over her money management and how it affects how we handle our own finances. I try not to blame anyone for my problems. You will never hear me say its her fault or its his fault. I believe I have to take responsibility for my own actions. Its interesting to reflect on childhood stuff that seems to affect me at 47 years old. Money, money, money. I'm not a big shopper. I don't like malls that much. You won't find me in a mall every Saturday. I don't buy a lot of new stuff. I don't really like shopping. I hate having to look through stuff to find the right one for me. Its so boring.

Well I have to complete my bulletin board. We have inspectors coming tomorrow and I have a ton of stuff that needs to be done.

Be Blessed and have a very good day. See you this evening, maybe, if you're there.

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