Sunday, December 11, 2005


I am so glad to have my computer back. I wonder when it actually came back. I didn't even use the computer for anything before Saturday. Oh well, its just nice to have it back. Thank You Lord.

Today was a good day. I was crying because sometimes, even when you believe its going to be alright you just want it to be finished. Today I was able to restore my strength and rejuvenate my spirit so I can keep getting up.

I have so many papers to check. Our five week progress report for the second quarter is due tomorrow and I have put off checking papers for a few weeks. Then build up is trememdous. I was up until 1am checking papers last night. I will probably be up till that time tonight. I don't plan to let that happen again. I just didn't feel like messed up writing over and over and over again. My attitude has improved and I am ready to have high expectations of my students and I'm ready for them to perform at the level I know they can.

We had a good day today didn't we?We have a long way to go. I think it will just happen one day. I know I can talk to you about anything now. I don't have the same fear that I used to have. I'm sure interesting things are ahead for us.  I have to keep a positive attitude about that. Faith of a mustard seed. It will happen and it can happen.

Well I took a break, back to the papers. With three eighth grade classes and homework everyday, test every week,  I have to check their papers everyday. I'm going to bed at midnight no matter what. I really have done alot. I just have the tests left.

Have a good night. Sleep peacefully. Have nothing but good thoughts going through your mind.  

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