Saturday, December 17, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. Glory to your name. Thank you for waking me up this morning with a sound mind and body. Thank you for your blessings through the night. I know that without you I would not be here.

You know I get it now. My need for you outweighs my desire for privacy. I can't have privacy the way I am used to privacy. My life, my love, my happiness are all tied to being out in the open for the whole world to see each and every day. My actions have to reflect that every day. Whether in public or private, I have to perform at a level of knowing that someone is always watching me. Glory to your name Lord. Am I prepared? Am I ready? As ready as I can be.

Today, today, today. Today I unwrap the present. The present is a present. Today I will wash clothes, drop off the DVD player for the church toy giveaway (I won it as a gift from the school) and then I will maybe see a movie. I missed the turkey giveaway, I called too late.

Well, have a blessed day and remember that I love you. Yes you.

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