Friday, December 17, 2004


Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Hello, Hi. Time is a funny thing. When I was working all the time I couldnt wait until I was through with one job to move on to the next. Now I am only working one job, part time, and I am finally able to feel like I can relax a bit. I have been doing this for a month, but with all the other stuff that wasn't getting done with me working twelve hour days I had to catch up on some stuff. Now over a month later, since Nov. 12th, I have finally gotten a lot of stuff done and can settle down into a routine. Now I feel like I should be doing somethng else. So I am wrapping myself up in the church. I will be at the 8:30 service because the women's club is having their meeting after that. I will attend the 11:15 as soon as I can after the meeting. I will leave by 3pm for Sylvan. That's a pretty busy day. Will we be having bible study?  I would love to but I'm sure you are pretty busy preparing for the Christmas Eve, Christmas Day mass, Christmas for the homeless and elderly dinner, and then Sunday services. One right after the other. I plan to attend all of that and I'm looking forward to it. I guess there probably won't be a bible study the next week either. I will be at the New Year's Watch Service, the the New Year service, family mass and Unity mass all in one. What a busy time for you. Relax, take deep breaths, and remember the reason for the season. You will do a good job, as always. Well I think I will go and find something to do, maybe look for those outdoor lights. Maybe. Hugs and Kisses.

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