Wednesday, December 15, 2004


Good Morning, Good Afternoon, and Good Evening seem so formal. I just want to say Hi. Hi.

Now that I am home everyday I have a chance to think about things. Now you might say that's dangerous for me but none the less God has given me the ability to do that. I was thinking about our unity fellowship last night.Now there is a confidentiality thing about the info discussed and I will not break that. Just thinking though, on the subject in general and the need for recognition and comfort. How we are very reluctant to go outside of our comfort zones and do things that may not benefit us directly. To have unity we have to be willing to care about those that can't care for themselves. We have to be a voice for the less fortunate. Who will be a voice for us when we can't speak or stick up for ourselves? I think we have to also not always need recognition when we do something. Just do it and move on. When someone else is recognized we can't say why not me? But we do say why not me. Is that pride, envy, jealousy? We are generally good people, can we be happy for others even when we aren't recognized and we have done the same thing or even more?

I'm just pondering on some thoughts. It made me think about my certificate. I worked hard, I wanted to teach to help the young. Have I made it more important in my life? Would I give up teaching to do something else? I believe I would. I believe I want to do what God want's for me. It's like, God has me prepared for this but I'm not doing it now. I like to think that I'm taking December off. Resting and reflecting. Where to now Lord, where to now.

Well, I'm washing clothes now and will be working this evening from 4-9. Enjoy your day. When are we going to go protest something?

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