Monday, December 13, 2004

Good Afternoon

"God speaks in the silence of our heart, and we listen. And then we speak to God from the fullness of our heart, and God listens. And this listening and this speaking is what prayer is meant to be: that oneness with God, that oneness with Jesus." Mother Teresa

"Souls of prayer are souls of deep silence. We cannot place ourselves directly in the presence of ? God without forcing ourselves to an inner and an outer silence. Therefore, we have to get used to the silence of the spirit, of the eyes, and of the tongue." Mother Teresa

Silence. I have tried to have a lot of that this morning. I think I am getting a cold or sinuses or something. I feel dreadful. I have been drinking lots of tea and fluids. I have taken some sinus medicine and I think I will be ready for this afternoon. Two hours of work and then the reconcilation service. I may be a little late since I dont get off till six but I have to update the student books. Shouldnt take too long. If I see you I see you, if not then, there's always another day. I'm not as thoughtful today. I am just standing on my promise. I'm not moving. I'm silent. Reflective. Congested.

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