Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Our Prayers are Heard, I must be bold

2 Corinthians 10:1-6 
Now I, Paul, who am lowly in presence among you but bold toward you while absent, appeal to you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ. I beg you that when I am present, I might not have to be bold with that confidence by which I intend to be bold against some, who think of us as if we walked according to the flesh. For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is complete. 
Why do I have the worse timing? I don't say the right things or do the right things at the right time. 
I need you in my life. You are my rock. I miss you. You are there and I am here. Courageous and faithful. Trustworthy and honest. I love you. You are amazing, your dedication is awesome. I just feel like giving you accolades because during this season you are selfless. You do so much for so many people and I'm sure you always wish you could do more. Know that without you so many people would be without some kindness and generosity during this holiday season. It's strengthens me to know that I am a small part of your life. I'm encouraged by you. I love you. It doesn't go away for me. It hasn't waned or disappeared. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Don't lose heart

I will keep my romance alive. I was romanced last night. I love being with you and the Lord. It's like a double bonus. Glory be to God, what a blessing.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Search Me

Search me Oh Lord, Lord you know me , search me Lord because you know my heart, my heart cannot lie to you or deceive you. You know my thoughts, you know how to test me, you know what hurts and what is offensive. Test me and know my anxious thoughts. Know that I am never ashamed of you , know that we are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image and likeness of God whom I worship. I can't hide my true self from God. My vurnarability is know to God. My weaknesses and my strengthens are known to God. I pray and ask God to lead me in the way I should go. What is the problem God. Am I rebellious against people and situations I don't feel comfortable in, then Lord help me to overcome that. Am I concerned about what others think, then, allow me to move forward any way. Whatever it is reveal it, remove it, make it known so we can move forward, now we are just guessing and pulling at straws. Too many years have passed by without a change yet there is still a longing in my heart for you. I trust you. I place my life in your hands. I break down any and all walls that separate us. I'm desperate.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Proverbs 8:33-36New International Version (NIV)

33 Listen to my instruction and be wise;
    do not disregard it.
34 Blessed are those who listen to me,
    watching daily at my doors,
    waiting at my doorway.
35 For those who find me find life
    and receive favor from the Lord.
36 But those who fail to find me harm themselves;
    all who hate me love death.”

New International Version (NIV)

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Friday, November 6, 2015

The New Beginning

How does it feel to begin again? Today is my evaluation. I'm ready for it to be over. I'm working out the things that need to be changed. I pray that you have a productive day.  My thoughts and prayers are with you for success with the nine year old. You are where the people are and they talk to you, something will change. Be blessed and have a good day. I love you.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Good Morning

Create an atmosphere where God can come in and do what needs to be done. God's word is true. Don't abandon or divorce the word or each other. True Worshippers pull together  to worship even when it hurts. God can step in. There is power in the word. Allow the Holy Spirit to be free in our lives so that God can flood us with his revelation. Our testimonials contribute to our journey. Sometimes you may feel small but you are still very important. Sometimes the things you do may not seem important but they matter a lot. Reaching out to one another and showing love daily keeps the fire burning in our hearts. Love is Forever. Have a blessed day today. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Good Morning

True Worship is Love
True Worshippers worship in Spirit and Truth.
No matter what is going on around us, we can still show our self less love to God. Never expect a harvest when you have not sown into it. Be amazed by God every day. Don't lose your first love. Love is fragile. It can survive every situation with God. True Love is at the foot of the cross. Love is unconditional and limitless. Yet will I wait, even in the bad times, I know it's just a season. Chose to praise, chose to worship, make God your choice and worship. I love you in spite of everything in my life, I chose to love you. Have a blessed day.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Necessary Vacation LONG Overdue

I pray that you are relaxing, sleeping, getting sun rays galore and doing absolutely nothing. You deserve a vacation and you need to just chill out for a  short time. Recharge your unique mind and your body. Enjoy yourself and release your worries. I do love you very much.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Being Sincere

This is me loving you. Caring about you so that during my prep time I want to reach out to you and say hi. I want us to do better. I will make every effort to make that happen. Relax, you got this. 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Stamina and Integrity

I woke up with you on my mind. I pray that you have a safe and blessed day today. I pray for you every day. I love you. Be Safe.protect yourself. Your words create change in my life. 

Sunday, October 4, 2015


I love it. You keep moving forward. Never giving up and knowing that some how, some way, things are going to change. Your dedication and determination keep me focused. I love that you refuse to admit defeat over misunderstandings and just plain wrong thinking. Where would I be without you continuing to believe in us. As long as you believe, I believe. God has a plan and we can't seem to avoid it, no matter what. Let's move on to what we need to do. Love You. Be Blessed.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

My Love

Don't ever equate my love for you with this journal alone. Whether I write or not, I love you very much. You are strong and you feel deeply. Sometimes I'm strong and sometimes I'm weak. We balance each other. You either believe it or you don't. We are either together or we are not. What do you believe? God is good and I know all good things work together. I love you. Period. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Broken-hearted Faith

Faith comes from hearing the word, as the bible says.

When I need my faith to be bolstered, I go to the word. I have faith in us. Faith that we can work together for our and love. 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Respect and Love

I feel that you are able to remind people that they (black folks mostly) are to be respected in their own communities. When the lines of communication break down, you are able to start the conversation over with a fresh look at the same situation. Respect the life of the person living next door to you. Respect the life of the person in your own city. Respect the life of people in your own home. Together, people can begin to care. We are lead to the two most important commandments, love God and love one another. I say it all the time, you don't have to like me but you will respect me. Be Blessed. I love you..

Friday, August 7, 2015

One Week and a Day

There is love in this house today. We are laughing, playing the guitar, singing and watching the man of the house build something manly. It's funny and heartwarming. Elijah will not even remember me in a week, but they are happier now. My presence made a difference and that's what I wanted. Give them some time to connect to each other again. Their anniversary is Monday and they will spend time alone. Saturday I'm back and Sunday back to church. I'm excited to return. A month is a long time. I needed to get away. 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

God Will Deal With The Crazy

It is going to be all right. Jesus set me free. You have to trust real love for yourself. No one can tell you who to love and when it's real. You are amazing and worthy of love. Mature or immature, love knows no boundaries. God believes a true heart. You are amazing and there is only one of us in this world as with God, all good things are possible. I will trust God to guide my decisions. I have to believe in a stronger power because if this is it then I am in real trouble. God's Power is my strength, daily, when I think of all that God has done for me, I'm in awe. God has kept me through the hard times and will continue to keep me. I trust that God is looking out for me, God you are amazing. I worship you me to dream about the yet to come. Holy Spirit stir my soul so that you are amazing everyday of my life. Bless our gifts and know tha we accept you as a living sacrifice. We sacrifice our life to you Lord. We will not be intimidated by what the world throws at us but as mature Christians we will get up and know that God will keep us and stop us from falling.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Helping Family

You know what I find to be the biggest help I can do out here is to give them the time to sleep. Having a fourteenth month old is out of this world. They don't care if you are tired or your knee can't make the stairs as quickly as they can or want you to ca Ray them. Grandma can't move as quick. Believe you me this little mister is one busy fellow. I am happy to give my grandchild some grandma time. If they can sleep and rest and get their bearings back, maybe there won't be so much arguing. God, I pray that you protect this relationship. It's loving on the surface, but what are they not showing me? I've seen too many headlines to know there is always another side, the truth. I'm going to watch three coins in a fountain. I have never seen this movie before but it's suppose to be a classic. I want that feeling again when I knew you wanted me. Good Night.

New Day

Psalm 35:1-31 
Contend, Lord, with those who contend with me;
fight against those who fight against me.
Take up shield and armor;
arise and come to my aid.
Brandish spear and javelin
against those who pursue me.
Say to me,
“I am your salvation.”

Dear God each and every day remember me and my loved ones. Prayers and hope constantly go out for us to keep the faith. This fight is not ours, it truly is the Lord's fight. We do our part by being constantly in society's face about injustices. What we can do, we do. Never be silent about the right thing to do. If Donald  Trump can get so much attention by making himself sound like a champion for idiots, what does that say for the ruling society that has the money. He's just saying what the people want to hear. Blasting any and everybody. It's good that he can split the Republican voting population. The politicians have lost their focus. Every last one of them running for president are millionaires who are out of touch with the reality of society. How can they not see that some type of economic help has to accompany the choices for our youth and their families. Please see that most people are one paycheck away from the poverty lines. I think they truly don't care. It's all about what I can do for me and if I don't have to deal with the problems of society in my world then I will turn a blind eye. I'll think about Christmas in July and some other irrelevant thing so I don't have to deal with the truth. The truth is too ugly and painful, plus I might find out I'm to blame, and God forbid I should do something about it. Institutional Neglect. It's more than just the racism it's the classism that's really hurting our country. Financial disparity. The haves and the have nots. How much to give, how much is enough, how much is too much, and what are they going to do with what I give them? Fear that we will mess it up, waste it or better yet, actually do better and then become competive in the playing field. Enough. How do we get out of the barrel and not kill each other in the process. Where is our humanity for each other? Love one another as we love ourselves. If we love God then we can love others. Let's Find some love within our lives. Find a way to care for others. Not just a few people caring, but a whole lot of people, especially the ones with the serious money caring and helping the ones without. If the blacks with serious money were able to get together and plan sound financial strategies then they could make a huge difference. We can work together to save ourselves but it's always a struggle that gets more talk and less action, a little bit here and a little bit there, never enough to really make a true difference. I believe we can do it. I believe you have been a voice of injustice in our society and will continue to be for a very long time. You spark the consciousness of the people to act and react to injustice. You keep it on the front burners not the back burners. That's why people will stand with you. You are not a fair weather friend. You stay the course, through thick or thin, you chose not to give up or waiver in your faith. God is with you on this challenging journey. You could have walked away many times but you didn't. You could have made it easy, but you didn't. You could have backed down, but you didn't. Many choices you made in life always seem to relate to the hard road and not the easy road. Persistence is your middle name. You have found success with that strategy even though it wasn't easy. Look at your accomplishments for your parish. You have turned a dying community into a blossoming industry. Struggles constantly come, but you are still there and so is a thriving community that probably wouldn't be without you. You are special, loved, needed and just my own personal hero, I'll follow you anywhere. Keep the Faith Baby, it may not get easier, but know that you are not alone on the journey. I love you. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Missing You

11 You turned my wailing into dancing;
you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,
12 that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent.
Lord my God, I will praise you forever.

Thank God for the Spirit. In the Spirit we are one. I pray for us daily. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I ask God to keep you safe and away from harm. I know you are challenging the wrongs that are around us and unfairly accused of stuff you didn't do, but be encouraged. Your voice is heard by many. Even in Seattle. Many people stand with you, not against you. I am with you in Spirit. I cringe when I say that because you always say, "yea right" but that's the best I can do now. I love you and pray for you daily. Don't be discouraged. Praise God forever. God can change things. 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sunday Service

Trust in God! He will not fail us. Every time, God is with us and able to keep us. Every Praise is to Our God!
This is the day that the Lord has made.
Bless the Lord and give God the Glory.
If God has ever blessed you, then from your mouth, give praise. God my Savior, deliverer, and healer. Thank you God for your goodness and what you are planning to do. Worthy is the Lamb. You are Holy, Holy, Holy Indeed.
You are awesome in this place, Mighty God. I seek you out. You are worthy of our praise, Mighty God. Suddenly, I feel you holding me. Jesus sweep me away. Flowing from my heart are the issues I am grateful for. I'm grateful for God's protection. I thank God for everything he has done in my life. I'm grateful for his promise to always be there for me to worship and to know his amazing grace. I want to see you Lord, face to face. I want to dwell in your presence, face to face. Just to worship you and to know you and your amazing grace. God is the joy and strength of my life. God is my life.  God is my strength. God's Spirit directs my speech. The Lord is my Shepard I shall not want anything. I will not be paralyzed by Satan. My trust, my faith, my hope is dropping and I am too big to fail. We are too big to be destroyed. When we think we are not going to make it we have to declare, the devil is a liar. We are going to make it. The Lord is able to keep me from falling. God is able to hold us. We have to stop being intimidated by a loser. Change one mindset to another mindset. There is nothing the devil can do to stop the seed fro God. The Lord is my Shepard and there is nothing I shall want. The Lord is getting ready to bail me out of this stressful situation. I am too big to fail. God can bring me through anything. I have so much to thank God for, each and every new day. I give you praise Lord for every mountain that you have brought me over. for every trial you brought me through, for this, I give you praise. If the Lord won't let you fall to hell, why wouldn't he keep you from falling here on 
Earth. God's going to have it work in our favor. God will turn it around. God refreshes our mind to keep believing that he will turn it around. We are blessed.we renew our faith and trust. Trust in God.

Friday, July 17, 2015


Psalm 143:8 Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning;for in You I have my trust;cause me to know the way I should walk,for I lift up my soul unto You.

You are my inspiration. I am amazed that we can find our way to love with all that is going on around us. God will never let us down if we keep our trust in him. Be encouraged by the way you can be successful in this continual fight. Never think that you are not succeeding. Keeping people aware of the fight is a huge accomplishment. I look to you for love and inspiration. You are important in my life. I love you and pray for you daily. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone today. I love you.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Can We Make Some Progress?

Psalm 8:6-14

Arise, Lord, in your anger;
rise up against the rage of my enemies.
Awake, my God; decree justice.
Let the assembled peoples gather around you,
while you sit enthroned over them on high.
  Let the Lord judge the peoples.
Vindicate me, Lord, according to my righteousness,
according to my integrity, O Most High.
9 Bring to an end the violence of the wicked
and make the righteous secure—
you, the righteous God
who probes minds and hearts.
10 My shield is God Most High,
who saves the upright in heart.
11 God is a righteous judge,
a God who displays his wrath every day.

12 If he does not relent,
he will sharpen his sword;
he will bend and string his bow.
13 He has prepared his deadly weapons;
he makes ready his flaming arrows.
14 Whoever is pregnant with evil
And conceives trouble gives birth to disillusionment.
15 Whoever digs a hole and scoops it out
falls into the pit they have made.
16 The trouble they cause recoils on them;
their violence comes down on their own heads.
17 I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness;
I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High.

Father God, help me to explain the thoughts in my head in a very clear and mindful manner. I love you so much. I'm unhappy that we are apart.

 It's all my fault. I see you at events and church and I barely get a look from you, barely a nod, a hello, sometimes nothing. Where do I fit in your life? 

Am I loved by you or am I just another groupie? Do you see me at all anymore? I start to doubt your love and then remind myself that it's my fault. My fault for not wanting to ruin your reputation and legacy. I think you are the greatest. 

I'm infatuated by you, I had a near death experience and recovery lasted for months. I went to the dells with my family and now I'm leaving for a month. Peace be with me on my journey. If I were here I wouldn't be able to go on the Friday night walks, I can't keep up. I barely was able to walk at the dells. 

I will be resting in Seattle, doing nothing else. I wonder when I post if I'm just talking to myself. I don't want to stress you out about my concerns because I know you have so many responsibilities and so many people who need you daily. 

Who am I to even suggest that you can be in a relationship. I know you have wants and desires too. Comforting you, encouraging you, being there for you is important to me. How can I do that for you? How do I fit into your life? How can I make myself better for you? 

We are human beings, we are not perfect, we all have our flaws. I'm coming back better than I was. Maybe if I don't have to chase the money every day, maybe if I don't have to hear the demands everyday, I might get better mentally and physically. I thank you for my job, my spiritual being, my love and trust in you has grown more and more. 

The years don't diminish my love, it's steady. I'm packing now, getting ready to leave for four weeks with another daughter and her family unit. I have done nothing but put out fires between the son in law and my grandson and daughter. I pray for some kind of peace. I'll come back, and things will still be the same. I think I'm talking to myself when I write in my blog. I just want some security and that's not possible. It's hand to mouth. Non paycheck to non paycheck. God knows I messed up. Workers comp claim I messed up, didn't get more insurance for my dad, stopped my heart insurance two months before the attack, I just don't seem to make right decisions for myself. This is probably not a good decision too. I just have to stop making decisions for a while. The fact of the matter is I'm trying to make some good decisions and to be a supportive, loving person. I don't want to even post this, it sounds so whiny. I know something always happens. Who knows what's next. I know I want a future with you, I just don't know how to do it. I turn it over to God, do I want it to happen, yes, Lord, yes, do I know how to make it happen, no. So I will end this long and drawn out explanation, excuse, wish, dream, desire, and hope. Staying hopeful keeps me going. Be Blessed and be a blessing to someone. I love you. Think of me sometime.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

I'm Confused, but dedicated

God has given us the Spirit of Strength, Love and Power. Not the Spirit of Fear. I have to remember that love is more than just being together. Commitment, dedication and reliability are important. Love will and does conquers all. Finding problems in the world is easy, fixing them is the challenge. I have a talent for messing up my life. If I could just stay out of my own way, maybe it would be better for me. I pray that Father God Almighty will hear my prayers. My mistakes are many. When I try to do better, I seem to do worse. I have to keep my focus on faith in God. No matter what it looks like or what the doctor's report is, it will get better. I haven't had a bad report again. My test have all come up negative so that's a blessing. I just have to stay calm, but how do you do that when you have to chase the money. Sometimes, I mess that up too. I stopped coverage too soon, I don't send in the right paperwork, I just can't seem to do anything right. I am not Debbie downer, I love life and I love you.  Bad things will happen throughout this world but I have to remember the sunshine in my life and know that trouble doesn't last always. I'm going out of town for a month, changing the scenery. I'll be in Wisconsin for a few days then Seattle for a month, until August 14, then preparing to return to work. Life goes on. God doesn't want us to just get by, he wants us to find contentment in any situation. That is what I am working on. Contentment in any situation. My desire is to please God, to do God's will. What is good for me from God. Can I hear his voice and heed to his will in my life? I pray that I can and will. I'm not perfect and I make many mistakes, life is difficult but not impossible. Faith in God gets me through. Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find it. The Devil is a liar and deceiver. He tries to make me think this is it, it can't get any better than this but that's not true. I have a choice to believe it can and will get better. If not then that's ok too. I will push forward with my faith. Im sitting in the doctors office now. I am blessed I haven't been in the hospital now for over two weeks ms that is a blessing. I love you and know that you are strong and faithful. Knowing that you are appointed to your calling and have a wonderful dedication keeps me steady and distant. I don't want to be a distraction or problem for you. Maybe your faith doesn't waiver but you are human and continue to know that no matter what, God is in and guns are not. We can and shall continue to fight evil and know that God sees the righteous fighting for his kingdom here on earth. Without God, where would we be?

Sunday, June 28, 2015

People Who are Not Afraid

Healthcare is so expensive. Our health should be number one. A strong , fighting society, ready to support its government. Instead, we are weakened by poor healthcare, poor wages and housing and generally a poor middle class that is hindered by the upper class that refuses to support anything but it's own selfish needs. How does a country survive like that. I guess like we have, tons of people hoping that the rich will have a heart and help out while they become billionaires. More middle clas becoming working poor  and a society that continues to think this is OK. I'm saddened. Now we prepare to celebrate the Independence Day of these United States. It's not right.
My Sowing is what has reaped.  We all have a price to pay for our society. The classism, sexism, and racism have affected our society to the point of destruction. Racism just happens to be at the top of its ugly head. How a society treats their less fortunate is a reflection of the society as a whole. Since when do the wealthy deprive their workers of a decent living, I guess now. This society thinks only of itself. The depression taught us how difficult it is to help our less fortunate. Unless we want to see the country in that state again then we had better do some serious reform or things will get worse. People are not paid a living wage, families can't survive on the pittance that they are given. The attitude is, I've got mine, you get yours. I'm wealthy, you are not. Oh well, better luck next life is what they seem to say. Their wealth is made on the backs of the poor and disenfranchised but they don't see that. Cut any government program that helps the poor. It's more of an I've got mine, you get yours society. The equality and pulling your self up by your bootstraps is non existent. It's more crabs in a barrel striving to get to the top and drowning those on the bottom. When did we stop caring for the less fortunate. Only those who display their misfortune to the world on social media and television are able to reap a meager benefit. Even then it's contingent on if people find their plight interesting enough to contribute. We have to audition for help now. Are we worthy enough to be helped, do we meet the criteria for help or are we cast aside for a more needy individual? We all need help of some kind, now we have to audition for help and hope we get enough likes or hits to reach the mainstream heartstrings. Since when did we have to apply to social media or television for help? Do others feel too many people need help and it's not real because their lives and friends are not in that situation? How do we show the reality without being the reality? Making it real to everyone who can help is the problem. Do people think it's only a few?
Our society right now has what it takes to  help the poor and middle class but it has chosen to deprive them of success. The people know what should be done but refuse to do it because of greed. They now boast billions and show no remorse. Succession of the environment will overturn the people who have tried to to ignore the poor and middle class. God will not allow us to die off. We are going to be the change that the world desires. People will revolt, when the rich ignore them . The French Revolution should have taught society something. You cannot ignore people's sufferings and think that everything will stay the same. There was a time when society could take care of their family and be alright, now all we see is greed. Evil flourishes in greed. Our government has to redeem itself. Take care of the people or it will continue to decline, no matter who is in charge. Take off the mask, stop ignoring the plight of others and help the poor and middle class. They have the money and the means but refuse to help. What will that look like in history. How much money do you really need? I suppose no worse than Jackson and the Indian migration  resulting in the mass migration and deaths or the legal sergration  of Jim Crow laws. What ever it takes to make people happy? How's that working out now. The sins of the father are coming into fruition now. Will something effective and long lasting be done or will another bandaid be placed on the situation? Hard cboices have to be made. History can't change but the present and the future can make an effort to change wrongs to rights. God will judge us for our actions.
What does it look like now? People are suffering and the ones who can help are negligently ignoring the past harms and refusing to see how they are affecting the present and the future. The children of these oppressed and afflicted people are living through this era now. The same rules cannot apply to the oppressed as they were applied before. The stakes have not been fairly applied. Just because the government took away segregation does not mean it was applied to every situation for every one. How can a state be allowed to carry a confederate flag from a war that the U.S. won, and use it over their state Capitol. That's like allowing a swatzika to fly It's flag over germany's state house. It's just not right. After the civil war, southerners had to pledge alliance to the union, so now we allow their flag of dissention and decisiveness to fly proudly over one of the first states to wage war against the union. How does that show unity. Are we United or not? That's still a huge question? United we stand, divided we fall. The union is disjointed. We really have to have a debate on whether a  devisive flag that stand for slavery, segregation and old standards should still stand on the state capital of a state that claims to be part of our United States should still stand? I wonder why this is even up for discussion. If we can't unite the states 150 years later, will we ever be able to unite them? Racism is the biggest problem in this country. Economic disparity has kept us from many opportunities of unity. Help out the classism and we help out racism. Stop damning the poor and help them. There is no reason for the intense poverty in a country that claims to stand on liberty and justice for all. We fight wars overseas because of injustice to their people and cannot show justice to our own people who have fought and built this country for over two hundred years. The irony is appalling. Give a person a chance to prove themselves. Stop putting people in a derogatory situation and then blame them for being there. Help somebody to do better. Lift them up, not tear them down, and don't stop with one, help many and see what happens. God will reward those that help, not hurt. I'm just speaking my mind in a situation that has been a part of my life for many, many years. When do we really work together for all people in this country and not just for the few. Classism is the problem now. 

Friday, June 26, 2015

When life gets messy

.Job 5 The Message (MSG)

Don’t Blame Fate When Things Go Wrong

1-7 “Call for help, Job, if you think anyone will answer!
    To which of the holy angels will you turn?
    The hot temper of a fool eventually kills him,
    the jealous anger of a simpleton does her in.
I’ve seen it myself—seen fools putting down roots,
    and then, suddenly, their houses are cursed.
Their children out in the cold, abused and exploited,
    with no one to stick up for them.
Hungry people off the street plunder their harvests,
    cleaning them out completely, taking thorns and all,
    insatiable for everything they have.
Don’t blame fate when things go wrong—
    trouble doesn’t come from nowhere.
It’s human! Mortals are born and bred for trouble,

    as certainly as sparks fly upward.

What a Blessing When God Corrects You!

8-16 “If I were in your shoes, I’d go straight to God,
    I’d throw myself on the mercy of God.
After all, he’s famous for great and unexpected acts;
    there’s no end to his surprises.
He gives rain, for instance, across the wide earth,
    sends water to irrigate the fields.
He raises up the down-and-out,
    gives firm footing to those sinking in grief.
He aborts the schemes of conniving crooks,
    so that none of their plots come to term.
He catches the know-it-alls in their conspiracies—
    all that intricate intrigue swept out with the trash!
Suddenly they’re disoriented, plunged into darkness;
    they can’t see to put one foot in front of the other.
But the downtrodden are saved by God,
    saved from the murderous plots, saved from the iron fist.
And so the poor continue to hope,
    while injustice is bound and gagged.

17-19 “So, what a blessing when God steps in and corrects you!
    Mind you, don’t despise the discipline of Almighty God!
True, he wounds, but he also dresses the wound;
    the same hand that hurts you, heals you.
From one disaster after another he delivers you;
    no matter what the calamity, the evil can’t touch you—

20-26 “In famine, he’ll keep you from starving,
    in war, from being gutted by the sword.
You’ll be protected from vicious gossip
    and live fearless through any catastrophe.
You’ll shrug off disaster and famine,
    and stroll fearlessly among wild animals.
You’ll be on good terms with rocks and mountains;
    wild animals will become your good friends.
You’ll know that your place on earth is safe,
    you’ll look over your goods and find nothing amiss.
You’ll see your children grow up,
    your family lovely and lissome as orchard grass.
You’ll arrive at your grave ripe with many good years,
    like sheaves of golden grain at harvest.

27 “Yes, this is the way things are—my word of honor!
    Take it to heart and you won’t go wrong.”

Dear Lord, Father God, My Almighty God in Heaven, My Spiritual Leader and Advisor, I try very hard to figure out how to make it better. The best thing to do is pray.


God grant me the strength to keep believing in your strength and power. I now know that you are my rock and my desire. What ever happens to me, I will continue to devote my life to you. I make mistakes, I can be my worse enemy, or best friend. My choice. Lord I try to do the right things. I try to make a difference. I spill out my heart and mind and emotions. I know that all things  work together for God's good. I will get better. I am better. I am not claiming any continual health problems. 2015 is half way over and I for one can't wait to see the end of it. This has been a busy time for you and I pray daily that you are safe and successful with all of your endeavors . You are true to your cause. You are doing a good job. You are a blessing and are loved very much by me and everyone else. Don't let the negative bring you down. If anyone can find the positive and ethical argument its you. Speak the truth and know that you are not alone. I love you.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Good Night and Congrats on 40 years!

Romans 8

I feel like the whole chapter is ours. God is with us. Why he doesn't cooperate with us more, why does everything have to be so hard? 

I am so happy you were recognized for your life's work. Your entire adult life has been dedicated to your  work. You deserved that and more. Don't belittle yourself and say you don't deserve, you are a humble man and you have wonderful integrity, devotion and loyalty. We love you, some of us love you a whole lot. I love you a whole lot. Why, Lord, is this what we are supposed to do? I feel my responsibility is to stay healthy, stay faithful, stay positive and just stay. Be there, maybe I'm needed sometimes to remind you that you are human, humble, and damn cute.

What to do to be a mature, responsible adult. Today was clear liquids for me, no solids. Tomorrow colonoscopy. My ten year check. All will be fine I'm sure of it. Why and how did a simple knee replacement turn into a heart attack for women. Heart's fine, major arteries fine but women, we are so special, we have smaller arteries that can be a problem and they don't operate, just give you more pills to add to the number you are already taking just to keep yourself normal. The Devil is busy, but I'm fighting with well being checks and screenings, and follow ups. The most important thing is prayer. I pray for you, me, my church family, my family, the whole world. Know that you are loved and needed. Good Night My Love and please don't worry about me, I'm going to be fine, and so are you.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Missing Today

I'm sorry I'm not going to be there.

Friday, June 5, 2015


John 15 

The Vine and the Branches

15 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

This church is where I first found out about God. I didn't know him, but I learned of a higher power. You brought me closer. I had a pastor/social worker professor in Boise who also prepared me to come closer to the real Almighty. Her and her husband were Baptist.  When I returned here and found you, I knew God was guiding my path.  I will remain in Him. I know I can't do this without Jesus. We are stronger together. You have a good heart and spirit. You are not perfect and neither am I but I strive for perfection rather than settle for mediocre. I love you and have a blessed day. Do not stress yourself out today. What were you worrying about a year ago, do you even remember what it was. Be anxious for nothing. Turn it over to God.

Einstein says the meaning of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. You are a brilliant man, you will be heard and believed.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

You Are Closer Than You Think

That was the title of one of your sermons and when I opened my bible to ask God Why, that was the flyer that was there on the pages that opened up to Jeremiah 36

I guess I wanted to know from God, why, why, why.

When I feel sad and discouraged about just the trials and tribulations of life, I ask God, what's going on. My people are better off than they were 100 years ago even though they are not where they should be, they aren't where they were. I hate it when men call/think that I am a lesbian because I don't want to talk to them. A woman over fifty without a man in her life must be one in their eyes. 

I'm looking forward to seeing you on Saturday. I'm excited about your future and mine. Whatever God has in store for us I'm ready. Come on with it. I'm going to watch the semi finals of Roland Garros and get mind mind on something else. Be Blessed tonight. Kiss, kiss. Good Night.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Please Take Care of Yourself

Ezekiel 34:12
As a Shepard looks after his scattered flock when he is with them, so will I look after my sheep. I will rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on a day of clouds and darkness.

You are a man who truly cares for his flock. Please, please, take care of yourself. I hear you are overworked, as usual. Ÿou are not sleeping well, you have too much on your mind. Please don't worry about me. I am going to be fine. You helped me find the strength to keep moving forward and not give up. You helped me find my strength in God so don't you lose yours. You are courageous to do what you do. I kñow you feel if you don't do, who will, but what can I do without you? You are My Love and know matter what happens, I still love you. Keep the Faith Baby!
You are in need of a vacation. Please take one this year. I wish I could just hold your head in my lap and just massage your temples so you can relax. You can't do it all. 
Einstein says insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Whatever happens with us will be God's will and I truly believe this is God's doing. Relax, when the time is right, we will know. I love you and pray that you sleep peacefully tonight.

Friday, May 29, 2015

My Love

“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,”
Ephesians 5:25-26 NIV

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

I Love You Anyway

We need burner phones if we are really going to do this, I'm very confused on where you stand in this matter and if anything is going to be done to make matters better between us. We need to talk privately.

You make me happy

I love you, have a blessed day. Listen, before you speak. You are my sunshine.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

I'm in love with Jesus an he's in love with me

Good Morning My Love,
I pray that you slept well and woke refreshed. Don't let the worries of this world bother yo. I love and you will have a spectacular day. Remember, honesty, integrity, and locality is most important.

Monday, May 25, 2015

With Much Love

I pray that you tak care of yourself. You are very special to me. Use your words, not your anger all the times. Teach that anger is not the only alternative.
I lobe you, good night


Happy Memorial Day

Hello My Love,
I hope you allowed every to celebrate you birthday in high fashion. I wish I could have been the, but alas bedrest is my prescription. I hate the house. Mom smelled gas this morning, called nicer, they came out and the water heater is leaking. If it's not one thing it's another. Pray that we get this home equity loan. Now watch, whoever is reading this journal will send me stuff on home repair, water heaters, etc. I receive phone calls with hang ups, heavy breathing, wtf. We report to police, were told to be careful. Be Blessed and be a blessing to someone. I love you.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Well well well

Back in the hospital...nmh.,.,,will this ever end

Happy Birthday

Teach what is good. Like how we pass the baton in a relay race, we pass our faith on to others. Individual by individual. 
Life by life.
Heart by heart.

Jesus said, "Let the children alone.dont get between them and me.these children are the kingdom's pride and joy.
Luke 18:16 The Message

Count your blessings, name them one by one, and you will discover exactly what God has done for you. (From Women of God, Living in Grace)

"Personal change begins for each of us when we cry out to God for what God wants for us with open hands and expectant hearts.  -  Bruce Wilkson

God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.. Ephesians 3:20

My nephew's birthday, you know I don't knot how to insert random pictures, but it will allow me to insert from my camera, so you are my Superman today.

May the Lord bless you today. May God shine upon you today. 
Numbers 6:24-26

U are loved so much

Thursday, May 21, 2015


Be Purposeful

We are not children, we are adults

We have made our bed

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

God is Good

Hello Sweètie,
I hope you had a good day and your evening isn't going too bad. I'm excited for you. I'm excited for me, too. It's going to be alright. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Maturity does come when realization comes. Maturity comes at a huge cost. You  know big cities with beautiful views cost. Terms include what I will not. That list of will nots is what is important to me. I know that Jesus is my only hope. 
Burn ham Place, Printers Row is what will make me live in the city and the rents are ridiculous. Who would want anything less for a loved one. Indoor Parking, private invoronment. Amenities are perfect and it's close to my school. How CPS can list that for teachers as high as that rent is. My, my, my what is a sincere girl wanting to return to her town, but not any other way. It has nice views. I want to make sure that if sin is again on my plate because of my flesh and weakness, then, it has to be in style. When I am judged by people, I have to remember that God is my judge. I want to remember in an environment that is conducive to my needs too. U nchartered  territory. 

Hill and Bill

She is walking into a sweet situation, stay calm, keep her mouth closed, enjoy the pies, and just sail on into the position. No worries. Forget the ups and downs. She's a woman first of all, had a naturally body born child, doesn't matter how, she has raised a family, from straying bill, encouraging her child to do good, and she just keeps smiling. Not Chesire Cat smile, but more like Dory from Finding Nemo, she's going to ride this wave for as long as she can, she deserves it, and let us find out what she really can do to help us middle people, who are bearing the load. What will that bring more misery or some relief?

Stay Calm, Smile

Rejoice in Hope

"why is it so difficult to tolerate the faults of others? Have we forgotten that Jesus bore our sins?
-Pope Francis, Twitter, May 12, 2015

Right....thank God for papal intervention to change/steady my heart. Stay Calm, everything will be alright.

Forgiveness and Trust

Praying Wife
"...the power of a praying wife is not a means of gaining control over your's laying down all claim to power and relying on God's power to transform you, your husband, and your circumstances and your marriage." Stormie Omartian

Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others. 1 Corinthians 10:24

Wow...I wonder what Millennia child suggested to POTUS to get on Twitter and jam it up a little. You wrote the playbook and they are using it against you. Can't wait to join once the fray is over. Tried to follow today. Maybe tomorrow. Good Job, maybe.

Monday, May 18, 2015


May God Bless us this Day.
May our thoughts be pure and closer to God.
May we recognize God's voice.
May we realize that we enter this world a blank slate.
God had already decided our future and purpose.
Ages 0-5 are the formative developmental years for children. That is who we are.
Were we loved, taught to love, or were we hated and taught to hate.
It always surprised/distressed me how quickly we seem to be developing transportation problems with our mid tech transportation and low tech transportation. Isn't that military skill strategies. Hell you taught them. bush and Cheney's Halliburton War. Are we to always pay for the sins of the father?

Hit communication, transportation, and food and you have struck a nation. Is it famine time or feastime "also, who's feasting and who is in famine? Where is middle ground or as the scales need to balance sometimes you throw everything you were going to do out and some things you save. 

Inauguration Day will mess with my driving today. My appt is at 3pm at nmh I pray all the traffic restrictions are allowing me to my destination in a timely manner, just let me be on time.

Restore our Lands. God Almighty hear our prayers.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Wonderful Teaching Sermon

Dear Love of My Life,
Please stop terrorizing your staff. Go watch Draft Day. I just watched it yesterday, it was good, you will like it. I Loved Today's Sermon, reminded me of bible study.

No one has told me anything. You are a star, SUPERSTAR ! I just hate the hidden part of, mmmmm, nothing but a dream. You are on the other end of that dream, but I have many more. No one has ever said anything bad to me about you. I'm Ms Sunshine and You are The Annointed One. Blessed and highly favored by God. I Love You.

Poems and Thoughts 
The Road Less Travelled
When Two Roads Converge in the Woods-Frost

What to do, what to do?

Why I feel that  has happened, I don't know. Female Intuition. Will I do it is another question I heard. Well God has seen fit to turn me into a nun the last fifteen years and I think I know how to behave in a contractual, loving, social and adventurous and dreamy at heart. 
You are all that for me today and everyday these last fifteen years. Now what could change that. What do I feel has changed that? I don't know. You are going to have a birthday soon. 
Happy Birthday!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Give Us This Day

One day at a time. My Creator knows what I can handle. Today IS a good day.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

If Love Were the Cure

My foolishness always gets me into trouble, thinking of you never does anything but makes me cry now. I thought you loved me, but I thought wrong. The God in me says believe in the one day, someday, etc., the Spirit says , Really?!?!, you thought he loved you, and my heart says Yes, he love me, Yes ME.
But we have the earthly distractions that allow us to say and be foolish and believe whatever we want because I am wonderfully and marvelously made. We are all Children of God. Gods got the man for me because he knows I'm no piece of cake and neither will he be, but together, we just work, we fit, that man is respectful, loving, assertive, loyal and committed. 

My Man.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

I won't be there today and won't be able to listen either, not that is matters anyway

New Life in an Old Body

Lord, I started this blog over ten years ago. At that time I was asking for my mate. Why couldn't I have a lover, friend and husband. What's wrong with me? So I concentrated on family, career and church. I occupied my time until I thought you had brought me the man of my dreams. Just a few roadblocks in the way. Lord, you never make it easy. You sent your only Son and allowed him to be killed for my sins and others because you "LOVE" him so much. You sent Abraham to take his son's life, a son who had been cherished and loved dearly. Abraham trusted you and was ready to kill his son for you. After showing that he would actually do it you send an angel to stop him..
Lord I do not understand you. Sacrifice, pain, suffering, sadness, despair. But through it all we know we must love our Creator. He has Food and not Evil for is. We just don't understand his ways. His ways are not our ways. Why Lord, WHY?

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Which One Was The One?

Thank You Lord for your blessings and your love. I had hoped, but yet again my hopes were dashed by a man whom I say I love but don't see or even know if he cares. I saw Father Thulani and was so happy to see him and others from the church who missed me. I won't be there for Mother's Day, no one to drive me, but what do you car
I loved the casting call, I was a theatre major. I pray that Spike Lee has the heart and soul to produce something like "Four Little Girls". I show that at a lesson and we reach, at least I reached students who had no clear picture of the facts. To learn the story from the student point of view and the repercussions on the parents was devastation. I pray that we in Englewood are not stereotyped. 
Who is this insignificant Black Republican who says he can keep 3 million.
I pray that Spike know that he is making history here and the importance to the human race is essential,
I had problems with the name too. Chiraq, so I asked some young people why he would call it that and my understanding is that after 9/11 the enemy was no longer in a uniform. Iraq and Afganistan was their war. This area has been at war since Tripoli. The States is now fight and retreat. Our children did not return from the Vietnam War saying Chinam or Chigermany. Why the need for a song that relates to the young for a word that anyone over 40 has a problem with. The 90's to 2015 recognition of their struggle has not been the best. Will spike show stereo types like do the right thing. Will he focus or try to cover every black problem in two minutes? What's his purpose and goal. How do we help and benefit. The community should see a double increase. Lord knows I hope he can pay for it. Put his money where his mouth is. I met him once when I went to see Michael Jordan play in the 90's. I was so excited. I pray that I can do God's will. I got two get well cards from charm members and two calls to check in. I am improving. I pray that July to August while I'm in Seattle that I will continue to improve.i pray that God gives you the desires of your heart. my desires are not on God's time. Sometimes I wonder where my file is on God's desk. Throw me a bone Lord. Give me your table scraps. Help Me Heal Lord. My Lord and My Savior Knows the Desires of My Heart, Body, And Spirit. I love you Lord. I'm in love with Jesus and he's in love with me. He shows me, he tells me, he loves me, he helps me, he acknowledges that love is patient and love is kind. HE LOVES ME, you obviously made your choice and I am a fool to think otherwise. God Bless You.

I Love You

I love you, I LOVE Y o u

Thursday, April 30, 2015

My Needs and Love

It's times like this when I need the man God has chosen for me. I'm in need of encouragement and comfort. I am not the only  in need and Gid is busy, so where is my man for comfort. Man cannot live alone. I need a mate and God will guide me to my mTe. I thought you were the one but you Re never there when I need you. You are here for the masses. Not for an individual's need. I need a husband that is there for me and I for him. God knows I need someone. I have been alone for over twenty years and I am in need of a companion. I realize now that you arenotgoingrobethat companion. I had hoped you would but I have waited over twenty years and it's time for me to grow up and stop dreaming of being with you. It's obvious you have made your choice. I have to let you live your life and I live mine. I admire you for your choice and wish you all the best. I love you and pray that God continues to bless you immensely.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Help Me Lord

Dear God,
You somewhere along the way I have lost my way to yo.

I'm crying all the time.

I continue to pray to get back to yo.

I am not perfect but I will never stop seeking my Lord, My Almighty, My God.

Though Man has chosen to abandon me, I have a lawyer now on my case and I pray that he will interceded on my behalf. lord if I have to live 30-50 percent of my capacity befor surgery, may my lawyer be a help for me a 
No not a hinderance. Dear God, hear the prayers of your faithful. Help Me Lord God because I cannot do this on my own. Now is the time I really wish I had a man to talk to. Lord, please give me a loving, trusting and worthy of your grace and mercy. I neèd to talk to a man with a bias knowledge of this situation. Lord help me because today is a particularly difficult day and I need you every step of the way. Help me Lord. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

I Miss You, draw me near

What a week! God thank you for your blessings. As David said when given the choice of three, to choose one for his people to suffer or him to suffer, or both. He said "Better to be left in God's hand and not man's hand. His trust in God definitely out weighed his trus in man. God was mad because the Isrealites had sinned again so David took a census of the people and enlisted the able in his Army. Why was that wrong? Why did God punish David. I don't understand. I don't understand a lot these days. It's truly a learning curve to adjust to for me. I'm not  familiar with this process. Go, go, go. That is no longer me. Calm,  patient, and solid. God created me to be a faithful, truthful, and trust worthy individual. I'm a child of God. He sent His Son for me, for me, He did that. He is the Truth and the Light. Joy Comes in the morning. Glory Hallelujah! Thank  You Lord. I love you so much. To be in you arms is my dream. To be wrapped up in your loving arms is where I want to stay. I Love You.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

1:55 P M Computer Error

Error:Source not Supported

Please get a better internet system. A better sound system for professionals, like the people who volunteer for you. I miss not being able to connect with you until the end of the sermon/ceremony. I love you so much.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

My Week, My Thoughts

Thank you Lord for an improvement. I'm still not 100% but I refuse to accept 30-50 less mobility than before. My functionality will not be limited. I plan on walking the laps in the pool as soon as the weather gets warm at the park district.
The lord is my Shepard Psalm 23
That's my new verse to repeat. I have a book mark that I carry with me everywhere. I pray they find it befor it gets me. 
I think Hillary is not looking comfortable . When don't you leave a tip? You claim to understand the working class and middle class by visiting them. By a round of drinks, pancakes for everybody. I team for everyone , slice of pie for everyone. You are highly qualified, now you have to show yourself as a personable, considerate, intelligent, strong, alpha female woman.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Back in the ER again

I pray they find out what is wrong with me before it does me in. I can't drive, go anywhere on my own. Must have bedrest. I wanted to hear you at winetka. Now sone other girl will hear a love poem from you to them. Definitely not me. I'm listening to Luther Vandross. A Hòuse is Not a Home Always Reminds Me of You. My Lord and Savior Jesus saved me again today. I can't do what I used to do. I was a theatre major and the arts was always my second, maybe first love. Music always makes you happy or sad, but it does change the mood.since I Lost My Baby. I will miss you tomorrow. I do not have any idea why I am still writing to a man who I love but can't seem to have. Lord you wrong for that. Here I am sick. I need a man, husband, helper and you place my brother. I go to appt with him, he wheels me around, he's there for me right now. Why are you having Parish Council on Tax Day?

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Be strong

Joshua 1:7-9

“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

 Be encouraged, God keeps his promises. He is with me. I love you.


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