Sunday, May 17, 2015

Wonderful Teaching Sermon

Dear Love of My Life,
Please stop terrorizing your staff. Go watch Draft Day. I just watched it yesterday, it was good, you will like it. I Loved Today's Sermon, reminded me of bible study.

No one has told me anything. You are a star, SUPERSTAR ! I just hate the hidden part of, mmmmm, nothing but a dream. You are on the other end of that dream, but I have many more. No one has ever said anything bad to me about you. I'm Ms Sunshine and You are The Annointed One. Blessed and highly favored by God. I Love You.

Poems and Thoughts 
The Road Less Travelled
When Two Roads Converge in the Woods-Frost

What to do, what to do?

Why I feel that  has happened, I don't know. Female Intuition. Will I do it is another question I heard. Well God has seen fit to turn me into a nun the last fifteen years and I think I know how to behave in a contractual, loving, social and adventurous and dreamy at heart. 
You are all that for me today and everyday these last fifteen years. Now what could change that. What do I feel has changed that? I don't know. You are going to have a birthday soon. 
Happy Birthday!

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