Thursday, May 1, 2014

Change is a good thing

Acts 13-14
God, I am thankful for today. I am blessed to be able to thank you for your grace and your mercy. You woke me at 4:45 and that snooze button has become my best friend again. I moved it further away and its still not working like I would like for it to work. The snooze button doesn't become snooze when you hit it more than two times. I'm just trying to keep it real. So when I do rise, I pick up my bible and I ask God how are you going to change me. Let today be  the beginning of my miraculous change. Let the works flow from me. Let the day go very well. You and I are on one accord. We are happy. Together we are doing God's will. I come to you first and foremost to let my feeling be known. What do I do, what do I say, Lord put the words in my mouth. Today is a good day. I am ready for whatever comes my way. I am spending my time encouraging each other because when we get out in that world, it's us against the world. We can conqueror the world as long as we have our faith in God. All is well. I have faith in our success. I am committed. There is no turning back for me. I am with you. I hate saying that because you always talk about people saying they are with you and then they desert you.  I am still here. May God receive all the glory and the praise. What needs to be done, will be done. God is not finished with me yet. I love you and see great things in our future. This is only the beginning. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone today.

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