Praise the Lord for He is worthy to be praised. My God shall supply all of my needs. I remember loving the Lord with all of my heart. My memories of my father during happier times saddens me now. But the Lord says to not be sorrowful over that. Treasure the good times and remember them fondly. My dad is totally unable to move with out assistance, wont eat, wont talk to anyone any more. A few words is all we get. I pray that we are able to remember the good times.
Thank you Lord for waking me up today and giving me a good day so far. I am blessed that the career fair was nothing like I feared. There were actually a few good prospects, I hope. I am excited about the posibilities.
I pray that this rain will stop for our walk tonight. I enjoy the fact that it wont be so hot but not the rain.
Take care of yourself. Do the right thing. You make a big difference in this world. I love how you are able to find hope when there seems to be no hope. Your faith and love are both in great abundance. You are a faithful man. I thank God for you.
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