Isaiah 55:11
21st Century King James Version (KJ21)
11 so shall My word be that goeth forth out of My mouth: It shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
Glory to you oh God. Glory to your mighty Name. Thank you for waking me up this morning. I am blessed and highly favored. If you never do another thing for me you are worthy to be praised.
I am blessed to have you in my life. I refuse to think it is over for me as long as you are waking me up. My purpose is not fulfilled. My destiny has not happened. I have more to do.
Lord you will have to strengthen me because of the obstacles in my life. Strengthen me to see the joy that is there. Keep me focused on the right choice for you Lord. I want to know your word Lord.
Your will in my life. I have some why questions, but I will attempt to accomplish your will Lord. Keep me safe. Keep me close to you Lord. Remind me of my first love, which is you Lord.
Pride does goeth before the fall and I am trying to be humble to you Lord. I cannot serve two masters so I chose you Lord. I can point fingers, blame others, but I will try to take my part in the problem seriously. I pray that I will be a beacon of light for someone.
My desire is to please you Lord. I cannot serve two masters and will always strive to do your will Lord.
Now you have place this obstinate, pig headed, pompous person in my path in a role that involves both my church and professional life. I will not bow down to his micro management of me.
Lord I am here for you, not him. Your will is my desire. I refuse to be manipulated by someone who obviously is in love with the title of chairman. If I am to stand for the women of the community and to allow a female voice to be heard through the din of like males like him then so be it. Father God walk with me today and everyday. Bless me and keep me close. I love you and pray for you.
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