My God, please grant me a clearer understanding of your will. You have given me mercy and grace many times. I am dependent on you Lord. I can do nothing without you Lord. I am blind to your thoughts and your desires. I am confused about your will. Make it plain to me Lord. Show me the truth in every situation. Show me your truth and your will. Help me to understand that will. Your desire is what I seek. In my daily walk today, help me to be concerned only for today. I will forget the past. Not worry about the future. I will renew my faith in today. The Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want for anything. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Thank You Lord for today. Thank you for all of your blessings and mercy. Lord, lead me where you want me to go today. I will listen for your words and follow your will today Lord. Lord I pray that you will stay with me forever. You are my rock and my desire. I don't want to go without you in my life. Help me to see you clearer in my life Lord. I pray for your blessing each and every day. Bless those around me. Bless my family and my friends. Open my eyes to see what is truly in front of me. Allow me to hear what I need to hear.
Mark 8:17-18
...Do you still not see or understand? Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And don't you remember?...
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