Monday, October 11, 2010

Home Finally

I made it. Through no fault of my own, mind you.

I was at that airport waiting and waiting and decided to have some hot wings. I had not had fried food for two weeks and now I decide to try some.

Along with two long island teas. Oh My God. I didnt know how horribly  acute acholol affects you in in the air.

 I was throwing up from almost the time we got in the air until we landed. It was horrible.

Then changing planes, trying to get comfortable, still nauseated but nothing left to come up or out, trying not to get any sicker.

 In cramped seats. What a day. Now I have to get ready for tomorrow. I am renewed.

 I can handle this I am ready to move forward where ever God wants to take me.

I am ready for a new thing to happen in my life and I look forward to that relationship with God.

 A new season of growth.

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