Tuesday, October 5, 2010


When God sees that you are after his heart, his people, he will give you what you need. God wants us to finish our mission.

Continue to pursue his purpose here on earth. God wants me to keep going on. Don't give up.

I can listen to about five minutes before it cuts off completely but I love those five minutes. You read the verses to me. You read the lines to me.

I am yours and you are mine.

Good seed endures rough winters.

We all know about King David's adulterous relationship, he had her husband killed and he did the right thing and married her eventually. Eventually.

Solomon was born and he would rule Israel during its transition period. Solomon was give the opportunity to ask God what he wanted and he replied wisdom to rule his people.

He wanted to do the right thing by his people. God honored that request and gave him more.

That's where it cuts off and refuses to play anymore.

I thank God I did listen to the whole message on Sunday.

I love to hear the sound of you voice. It makes the hairs on my arm stand up. It perks up everything in my body.

I listen to just those five minutes over and over again.

Granted I have to sit at the door of my room to get the wifi connection, if I don't want to go to the lobby and sit with my computer, but that's OK.

I'm going back to the whale education center today and then up to whalers village to check that out. I hope to be very knowledgeable about whales before I leave here on Sunday. I have a lot of ideas for a unit.

I'm thinking about applying for a new program that will make me a principal in a year. There's good and bad with that and I have to find out if that's really for me. Info session when I return. It has a six year commitment and that scares me. I know that I will need to change some things when I return to school.

Well my love, I will continue to think only that he loves me and I love him. Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone. I love you.

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