Friday, June 25, 2010

Never give up

This is Wimbledon time and I am pleased to say I have been watching faithfully.It starts at 6am and continues throughout the day until about 4pm. Serena and Venus are still going strong.  I especially watched the Isner and Mahut three day journey of wills. I started with the first day and the second day. The third day I had to catch it the replay. I had to get out of the house.

Psalm 28:8 God is the strength of his people..

Whether either of those players believe in God or not,  I know that Isner said he reached from within for strength because he had none on his own. This was just his first round match. His first game in the championship and he had no idea he was going to be challenged to such a degree during his first round. Sure enough after such an exhausting and grueling match that he would win, he loss in straight sets the next day, but everyone remembers that he came and he played. Sometimes we don't know why things happen the way they do but we have to be ready to meet the challenge when it comes, and to not give up.

So I say that to say this, I cant give up. I'm pulling from a reserve deep within. I never assume that you are in agreement with me. I always expect that you think I am loopy, indecisive and maybe a little scary. Maybe if I were you I might think the same thing. There is nothing that makes sense or does it make sense. You have to wonder why somethings are the way that they are. Maybe this is the way its suppose to be for now. Maybe we are where we are suppose to be. You are constantly saying how our freedom, our new day, our new life is just around the corner, closer than we even know. And maybe that's true. If things were different then other stuff might not happen.  So there is good within everything. There is purpose, and there is reason. I thank God for continuing to allow me to renew myself and to be humble for everything that is placed in my life, good and bad. I mature with every experience. I am loyal to my God and I seek his presence in my life daily. I pray that his principles remain permanently within my heart and my mind. Satan must take his hands off of my family and off of me. I am born of God and the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free. I thank God for watching over me. I know I am not easy to love but none the less, God loves me.God knows I'm worth it.  Thank You Jesus. Never Give up.

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