Monday, December 21, 2009


Thank You God for Peace. You sent the Prince of Peace. I thank You God that when I sleep my heart counsels me and reveals to me Your purpose and plan.Thank You for your promises and your sweet spirit. I thank you Lord that you are instructing me in the way which I should go and that you are guiding me with your will. You lead me in the path of righteousness and I choose to follow.

Father God during our insane search for more- more power, more money, more knowledge, more gadgets, more furniture, more clothes, more love, more of everything, you warn us against being deceived by the finer things in life.

We must be wary of the human principles that are hollow and deceptive. We must remember the uniqueness and sufficiency of Christ. Christ has full authority of all powers and the fullness of life that he gives to us as we search for deeper knowledge of God. It is not reserved for a few but we can all search and find God in our lives. My heart longs to please God. To give to others in some small way that makes their lives better.

I am choosing to be happier. I have so much to be thankful for. God has blessed me this year and I am thankful for every blessing. Yes I have had some hardships. Yes I cant seem to get a lot of things right. I lost the picture that I stood in line to get from the Breakfast with Santa and paid 10 dollars for. I could complain and not have any Christmas cheer, but in spite of the mishaps, I keep chugging along. I try to find some type of harmony. Something that balances the good things with the bad. Something to continue bringing joy in my heart.

I say be blessed and be a blessing to someone and I say this because I like you, I believe we can make a difference in someones life. I believe in that statement. I believe in you and your ability to make a difference in peoples lives. This week you will see just how many lives you are impacting. Its unfortunate to turn some away but think about the ones you are helping. You helped over 700 people have a turkey. That's a huge number. You will bless many people tonight with the toy giveaway, me included. Christmas dinner will be a blessing for many. You do so much. Yes there is a need for more, but don't discount the amount that you are helping.Would you like to have done more, of course. Will you continue to strive for more, of course. Will you be appreciated and rewarded, of course you will.

Philippians 4:8-9
8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

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